In response to comments made by others, I want to say that calling an illegal immigrant a law breaker is NOT rhetoric. Saying that an illegal immigrant is a law breaker is FACT. Our immigration policies, law, state that immigrants wishing to come to America have certain requirements such as passing through a port of entry, whether it be an airport, a seaport, or one of our many entry points along the Mexican and Canadian borders with documents. An illegal immigrant does none of the above or remains in the states long after his/her visa has expired. Using logic, anybody can come to the conclusion that illegal immigrants are breaking the law. This is not rhetoric!
Without further adieu, I do not want to allow illegal immigrants into the United States, nor do I desire to grant amnesty because:
First, illegal immigrants pose a health risk to Americans. In conversation with legal immigrants, I have found that applicants are finger printed and subject to blood screens and vaccinations for diseases such as tuberculosis, measels, polio, and hepititus, etc. These diseases have been nearly eradicated in our society through mandatory vaccinations that we all endured in childhood. Allowing unchecked illegal immigrants into our country could spell disaster for our children, elderly, and immuno-deficient including yours truly. Do we know that an outbreak will, for certain, without a doubt, happen because of the governments deriliction of duty to protect our borders? No. Do we know that illegals create the possibility of a major public health concern? Yes!
Second, illegal immigrants force down the wages of our working class. Yes, the class of workers who won't sit on their asses to receive a welfare check. Why would a factory or construction company pay any more than minimum wage to Americans when they can hire five illegals at half the price? Part of the problem here is our corporate culture. The other part of the problem is that these illegals are available. I'm tired of the 'rhetoric' that these illegals are doing the jobs every American will not do. John McCain asked a group of union workers if they would pick lettuce in Arizona for proper wages. Their answer was a resounding 'YES!' With the amount of layoffs, they might have to. Also, watch Diry Jobs on the Discovery Channel, you'll find many jobs the majority of America will not do, yet Americans do do for low wages.
Third, not all illegal immigrants are here to work. A recent study on our incarceration system has found that illegals make up 29% of all jailbirds. I dont know if the number is that high but anything over 15%, well above the illegal population percentage, is alarming. Think central american gangs and drug pushers, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. Anyone hear of MS-13? These people were running from the law in their own countries and saw America as a place to escape their punishments. How many of these are going to change their ways on this side of the Rio Grande? Don't hurt your head thinking about. These are not people you want roaming freely in our society. 'So, Americans do that' is not a proper rebutle; in fact, its a sign of a mental disorder and the inability to understand we are talking about illegal immigrants.
Finally, illegal immigrants use our social systems without paying taxes. I'm talking about schools. Illegals flood into our overly crowded cities where their children go to inner city schools. No need mentioning the quality of our inner city schools. Its not all the illegals fault, but it is adding strain to our efforts and our children deserve more. I'm also talking about our healthcare system. A doctor from the valley informed me that Mexican doctors botch surgeries and drop them off over the river because American hospitals cant turn away a man in need. The emergency room costs are rarely paid. Where do you think the authorities took the injured illegals from the caravan crash on Highway 59 last week? Also, I've read research that says illegals use the emergency room for their personal doctor when needed. Think about that next time you hear about the wait just to see a doctor in the emergency room. Many hospitals along the border are so strained for funds that closing their doors may become reality. As for paying taxes? If you get paid in cash, do you pay taxes? Would you if the government didnt know you existed? Even if an illegal is legalized by his/her anchor baby and starts paying withholding, chances are he would be entitled to a full refund through the earned income credit. Taxes collected = ZERO.
In Conclusion, Immigrants 'OK', Illegals 'NO'! Amnesty for the illegals only invites anarchy and further problems. It sends the messege that in another 10-15 years Americans will break again and unlawful behavior will be rewarded. Ask the proponents of Reagan's Amnesty and compare the number of illegals granted anmesty then to the number of illegals in the US today. Anarchy is lawlessness. Lawlessness is a lack of enforced laws and punishment. This is not an issue of civil rights! Send the message now! Illegal entry into this country will not be tolerated!
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