For America! - LG
I recently heard of your support for repealing the Estate Tax after 2010 instead of allowing the rules to revert to the old code before the phase out. I must say that I am AGAINST a permanent repeal of the Estate Tax. Current Rules as of 2005 allow estates under 1.5 million gross to skip filing an estate return. Even then, the exemption amount will be growing from 3 million to infinity in 2010. With the current state of our national treasury, how does it make sense to permanently repeal the estate tax? We are at war with Terrorism is two different Middle East countries and continue to donate money by the millions for AIDS and other humanitarian needs in Africa and around the world while borrowing money from China and Saudi Arabia to pay for it all. What will all this interest cost? How bad is it to be in the back pocket of the largest Communist country in the world? How much farther can we cut the revenues and increase spending? Our government needs these funds provided by the Estate Taxes. Even if the lowest tax rate of 35% during the phase out period is used (which I wouldn't mind keeping) and the exemption amount is set at around 4 or 5 million, the overall majority of American citizens will face no estate tax. Something must be done to reverse the trend set over the past 8 years. Retaining the Estate Tax is not an increase in taxes, it is simply not giving the richest of the rich an extra break on paying their fair share. The rich neighborhoods already get the greatest cable service. The baron's children already don't have to work a day in their lives. And the schools in less fortunate areas are struggling to properly educate our next generation. I'm pleading for the well-being of this country and its financial situation. I'm coming to the table of my elected Senator asking for him to hear the cry of the majority of his constituents and not just the money men who finance his campaign for office. Please Senator, don't repeal the Estate Tax until we know that our government's finances can get back in the black and start paying off our debts. The Greatest Country in the world should not be at the fingertips of communists and theocracies.
Your Fellow Texan and American,
Logan H Gearheart