Rebirth / 2011 Update
A recent conversation inspired me to get serious again on this blog, having remembered how admittedly entertaining this thing is. It has been nearly a year since I really did anything on here, and a quick run down of life events may be in order for today. It is a short list, which may (or may not) disappoint. Here goes.
April 2011 - last post, which promised to do awesome shit in 2011. Indeed I did accomplish a certain degree of awesomeness, but not to the extent that I wanted to. Also met some cool new people, highlighted by my introduction to the best dancer I know, let's call her HotTeacher.
June 2011 - My first trip to the Bahamas (although I have been to the Caribbean before). That, in itself, is worth of a few full blog posts. But the trip was highlighted by a few events including, but not limited to, (i) something I call the Showtime after Dark shower scene, (ii) chick fights, (iii) a ridiculously amazing club night, (iv) my introduction to the concept of a "show bikini", which I discovered is a particularly fancy piece of clothing that must not be allowed to get wet (at least with liquids not supplied by a human) under any circumstance and (v) the discovery of Kalik beer. Methinks of the show bikini concept as rather similar to some of the views expressed in Chris Rock's 2010 documentary, "Good Hair".
July 2011 - Holy shit, I turned 30. Great party in the hometown. Also decided to step the game up and pick up a new whip, which I have since named Diamond. Yes, Diamond.
August / September 2011 - Racked up almost 40,000 airline miles (actually 20k, but I get double credits because I'm Platinum, bitches!!) in the process of running a training program for the investment firm I work for. Huge honor to be selected to lead it. Definitely one of the highlights of my career so far.
December 2011 / Jan 2012 - Rang in the new year in, of all places, Montreal, Canada. I don't speak French (not much, anyway), but the fantastic group of people that I joined did. 3rd best New Years ever (behind Vegas 2010 and Nice 2005)
The 91 days of 2012 have been spectacular, sometimes a bit too spectacular. Dallas continues to be full of ridiculous characters that provide an endless stream of hilarity.
Keep it coming.