Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday Sunday Sunday! - by Logan

Today hasn't been my best. Although I have seen for the first time the San Jacinto Monument standing taller than Washington's in DC (Texas was once its own nation if you didn't know), my day has been clouded.

Last night I ran into one of Stacie's best friends from college at a party. Of course, she wanted to know how i was doing, and I obliged digging into how its done, its over. I stood strong and showed how things have to be. I cannot, for any reason, ever, get involved with her again. Now, this is the test. Can I talk about these things and still have a great time? I did! Surrounded by people from college that I haven't seen or talked to in over a year was a relief. With the Blazers I feel so much respect, the best feeling to me, the feeling that I am respected by those I respect. (Brother Blazers, you're all my heros.)

The trouble began in a dream I had last night while passed out on the couch, a dream rife with jealousy. I woke up in a cold sweat and loathed the night. For the better part of the day so far, my head has been clouded in thought. How could she do this to me? How does she continue to act so selfishly during this? How could I ever trust and love such a person again? Basically, today was another trip with heartache. There's more ahead, I know, but they all suck. I go back to what I told Priya "She doesnt love me. She's just feeling the lonliness from not having me there." I'll let Chris tell what he showed Priya if he wants. I leave with this: "Feeling that someone elses loss is greater eases the pain like aloe on a sunburn, but morphine type relief comes from female accompaniment. (better run to the store)

Happy Birthday CHRIS! Welcome to 24, may the first half of yours treat you better than mine."i may be shattered, a little scattered. what does it matter? no one has a fit like i do"

The Newest Member

My name is Logan. College friend of Chris, who has suffered the heartache, white male 24, a CPA and worth the time. Voted most friendly in high school if that means anything. I will be posting from time to time to give everyone another persepective, another personality to identify with. A quickie about my situation: On July 4th, the monday after I buried my grandmother, I found out that my fiance (wedding was Oct 22) was cheating on me, including the day we laid grandma to rest. I took my ring back and called it off. Due to the extent of the 'fling' and the actions of Stacie in the days following, even today almost a month after, I've come to understand that Stacie is NOT the woman that I'm to marry. I'm too good for her. I'm too good for that and I'm not the person to look down on anyone, except those that classify themselves as 'low lifes' through their actions. For my first blog, I ask you to define IRONY. Stacie moved to Houston to be with me (no other friends here) and cheats on me with a person i welcomed into my home as a I live in a bachelor pad (thank the Lord I hadn't moved in already) surrounded by friends and family all ready to come to my aid because of the atrocities committed against me. She is by herself, ALONE, in a city she's known only since October. For the road ahead. I'm one of the other guys heading to vegas so be ready beacause however emotional, raunchy (come on its vegas), fun, ect this spot will be 100% real for these are the words of two friends, living two degrees of heartache and running a savage burn through our mid twenties with no strings but our own primative needs. Food, water, a few hours sleep, and the need to be sexed. Hey, I was engaged but that doesn't mean I forgot how to seal the deal. (one deal sealed by the way, can't let chris have all the fun) And besides, who's to tell me that I can't get some for myself? i am i am i said im not myself....i'm not dead and i'm not for sale

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Double Down

My friend Logan has decided he wants to be a part of this blog. So, of course, I am letting him post. Logan is a strapping young accountant for a major firm, and has a lot to share on this topic.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Urgent Message (The First Dissidents)

Most of you who read this probably got the link from my profile. That's pretty much how I wanted it. You'll also notice that I have a little innocent line in my profile which basically counts the number of different hook-ups I've has since my breakup. At least three of you (maybe more) has taken issue with this, arguing that it is immature, the wrong way to handle a breakup blah blah blah. I have 4 comments about this...

1st, I would like to thank all of you for voicing your opinion on this. I figured this blog would not sit well with some (maybe many, but who knows), but thats a risk I am willing to take (by the way, if you really know me, you know I'm not like this)

2nd, I know what the hell I am doing. Yes, part of me is hurt so a natural reaction is to try to hurt someone back. It isn't best to fight fire with fire, but I choose to ignore that maxim at the moment

3rd, we ALL do this shit after a major event like a breakup. Don't bitch at me because I have the balls to write about it. Stop being a hypocrite. (this argument contains a naturalistic fallacy, for you lawyers out there)

4th, let's not forget that this is temporary. I beg everyone to read the very first post. So while it may be wrong, insulting, etc, on many levels, I intend to clean it up. However, remember that the blog is really meant to be funny and interesting as it takes me through my experiences meeting people. This is not meant to be some softcore get-all-up-in-Chris's-sexual-business blog. It's supposed to be fun.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wild Wild West

This is a better post than the last one.

For the past week and a half, I have begun talking to my friend Brenna. Brenna is from somewhere in west Texas, but goes to a large university in central Texas. I met her when I was a senior in college, but didn't know her very well. We went to a foam party one night, and I found the new phenomenon (white women with ass) before Ludacris did. Even before I began to date Leslie, who I may add is also blessed with that feature.

Anyway, I never got to know her very well in college, but I knew enough to know she is a cool girl. So I have been talking to her about various stuff for a while. She is a great dancer, which I like because I have not met many women who dance very well. Good dancers are hot. White girls who are good dancers are hotter because you don't find many of them who aren't strippers.

My sexual/relationship psychology friend, let's call her Double D, says I may be trying to get into a relationship to get over Les. She's pretty right on about most of this stuff, and we agree on a lot, and I do think that she may be on to something. But hopefully I am not trying to replace my ex (though I will say I really have not ever met a girl like Les in my ENTIRE life, for reasons I do not care to explain here, but will openly share with anyone who wants to know). The verdict is still out on that one.

Brenna is accompanying me and two other friends in a trip to Las Vegas in August. Needless to say, I am excited. I really look forward to developing a good friendship with her and maybe more. If nothing happens, at least I have a good dance partner.

The Social Experiment

This entry is just weird, so read at your own risk.

Ok, so in what is perhaps a feeble and admittedly puerile stunt to meet girls, I have posted several online personal ads on various websites. Now, I have heard all the bullshit about how great of a guy I am, how any girl would be lucky to have a guy like me, how I am so sweet, cute, blah blah blah. All this, execpt I'm not her type. I want to ask sometimes, "Honey, what IS your type?" So anyway I thought it may be fun. So one of the sites (and this is where this post just gets weird) is an adult personals site. Some of these people are scary. Many women are pretty fucking hot, but I feel a little dirty (ok really REALLY dirty) writing these erotic e-mails to these women trying to get them to have a random hookup in the middle of the day in a Galleria store dressing room. But it is a first. I'm just pissed I paid $60 for it and I havent hooked up yet. Tonight someone actually e-mailed me (and then called me out of nowhere). Turns out she was not hot. The girl could barely fucking speak english. So I thanked her for applying, then hung up.

I feel more and more like an idiot talking about this. So I'll stop. I think I'd like to hook up with regular girls, not freaks I meet online. That's just gross. It's 12:40am and I have a big day of doing nothing tomorrow, so I think I'll watch Swingers and then go to bed.

Monday, July 25, 2005

First night out

I have not been out in Houston in a long ass time. Not since at least late May. So it was not without some hesitation that I agreed to go out to this place called Rich's last Thursday. For those of you not familiar with this place, it is normally a gay club, that turns straight on Thursdays. It's also 18 and up. I have really forgotten the appeal of the 18 year old female. But I have also forgotten how to talk to women. Ridiculous. Seriously, I froze up. Like a little bitch. But not for long, because my friend alcohol came along and all caution was thrown to the wind. But no catches that night.

Girls met: 2
Numbers: 0
Outlook: Neutral

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Beginning

Ok, this blog is meant to detail the adventures I go through on the way to my next girlfriend. Recently, I got out of a 15-18 month relationship (I'm unclear on how long Leslie would say it was. There were 3 months of vagueries). It was long distance (I am Houston, she is Kansas City) and it worked. We racked up a lot of airplane miles. She says her desire to be single led to the break-off. I hate that reason. I hate to generalise, but I think any girl would prefer a good relationship to being single. Hell, even most guys would. Who likes feeling pressure to meet people at bars? Certainly not most. Anyway, I'm going to detail my experiences going out, meeting people, etc in what hopefully will be a catalog of interesting experiences! Everyone please comment! This is not meant to hurt Leslie. She is a great, great, great girl and, more than anything in this world, I really do hope we get back together. But I feel I have to do this for myself. I don't even know if she reads this.

A little about me which will help explain some things. I am 5'7.5" (5'8 on a good morning or in shoes). I am 23, will be 24 on the 31st. I am a huge fan of interracial relationships (my ex is white; every girl I have been with is either white or hispanic). I am legitimately a nice guy. I discovered this in MAN 326 class at Texas. I think I am an ESTJ (personality profile) or some shit like that. The point is I invest A LOT into my relationships, be they romantic or otherwise, which explains some of the things I do.

I will use real names in this blog, unless directed not to do so. Nothing incriminating, but I intend to keep it real. I am including the good and the bad.