Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mr. Big

Ok, many of you are confused as to why I am still not back in Houston yet. I was supposed to return this past Monday. Well, here is the explanation: I am in Chicago hanging out with my ex-girlfriend. Yes girls, I am helping her in a time of need (i.e. not being a complete asshole).

Les is moving to France to work as an au pair, or nanny for us English speaking people, and she needs a work visa to be a "legal" worker while she is there. To do this, she has to submit an application to the Chicago French consulate because its the official consulate for her state of residence, Kansas. But thus far she's run into some hangups and we've had to stay a couple of extra days. So we've seen the sights, major museums, the John Hancock building (which is cool as shit for those of you who have yet to experience the skydeck). All in all it has been pretty nice.

I must admit, I do feel like Mr. Big from Sex And The City in his relationship with Carrie. I am basically the most magnificent dude on the planet, and my Carrie (i.e. Leslie) kind of comes in and out of my life. We dated, then broke up, then starting sleeping with each other, now I don't know. It's like we want to date but the girl (like in the real series) doesn't know what she wants. Strange.

Anyway, I hope to be back in Houston on Friday or Saturday. I'll catch up with y'all then. By the way, I know that people outside my Houston friends are reading this blog (Jenny, Tim, etc). Post a comment or e-mail me already!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... sooo need to catch up on sex and the city- Carrie always wanted Big, I'm sure all the ladies appreciated the reference though. Be careful Chris and have fun :)