It's a Celebration, Bitches!
I'm four weeks late on this, but it's better late than never. So here goes...
Halloween is always the time for us adults to pretend to be someone we're not, and somehow it's fun. Anyway, I had the privilege to attend my good friends William's and his brother Wryan's halloween party. William and Wryan are two good friends I have from back in New Orleans. I've known William basically since I was born. Literally. Like I met the doctor who delivered me, then my parents, then my brother, then William. Like many others, he and some friends have relocated to Houston in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
The party was a good deal of fun; tons of food (some good-ass meatballs), lots of drinks, and good company. I, in typical halloween style, didn't put much energy into my costume, so I threw on my "Vote for Pedro" t-shirt and pretended to be Pedro's campaign manager (please don't laugh). William and Wryan dressed in garb resembling the characters from the 1995 movie thriller Dead Presidents.
On the way, the two stopped to get ice from a local convenience store (mind you, they were dressed up, as it was Halloween night). They grab two bags, then go to check out. The clerk looks at them and asks if the two bags is all they need. William jokingly says "yea, two bags of ice and, umm...everything in the register." The clerk shit his pants. They started chuckling, paid for the ice and left. I would have loved to see that. That shit is funny.
Anyway, it was an awesome time and can't wait till the next get-together.
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