Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Everyday's the 14th

I haven't posted anything relevant or impactful in a long time...and this time is no different. First, I want to wish everyone a very happy Valentine's Day (actually its 1:21am on the 15th, so I hope everyone had a good holiday). Guys, I hope you showed your girl how much you love her. You should do that each day, but especially this day. Girls, if your man was strapped for cash, I hope you took the reins and made it a special day for the two of you. For my part, since I didn't have a valentine this year (sadness), I did what I thought was most appropriate: I drank. Yea, I went out with my friend Heather to a bar, had a couple Jaeger bombs and beers, and just chilled out.

In other news, Logan and I need basketball tickets to the UT vs Kansas game on Feb 25th. I have a burning desire to destroy Kansas this year since they embarassed us 90-65 last year. I also hate the university of kansas in general (almost as much as I hate oklahoma), so I really want to beat their asses. FUCK KANSAS, dammit! Logan and I will be making the trip to lovely Austin, Texas that weekend, so clear your schedules, bitches! There's a few Jaegar bombs with your names on them.

Ok, so last Saturday I meet this girl at a bar. Her name's Jayme. She seemed cool, although she started a conversation with me by butting into a conversation I was already having, but I didn't care. I call her yesterday, she calls me back. I'm tryin to hang out with this girl, but she keeps dodging it, talking about she has a lot of school shit. She says she even stays in a lot on the weekends...

...faithful readers, how should I read this? My initial reaction is to assume she's blowing me off, but maybe she really does have a ton of school shit (she's studying to be a nurse, and has to do classwork, clinical rotations, etc). Then again, who studies consistently on Friday and Saturday nights? I mean, what gives?

Anyway, I this weekend is All-Star weekend, and it will be nearly impossible to get into a good club because a ton of celebs are having parties. Why the fuck am I not famous? Seriously, has anyone seen me lately? My face (and newfound facial hair pattern) screams celebrity...

Take care everyone,


Anonymous said...

Pimps dont do valentines day! Pimps dont do birthdays! Pimps dont do Christmas either! In fact, pimps dont do shit but show up, get a lot give a little and jet....50 cent wings, dollar beers, ram her like a rhino and BOLT!

Anonymous said...

So when does T.D.D. open up? Ready to apply for an opening. Haha, opening...

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that pimps don't have to do any of that shit. I know from personal experience that women are like side walks... lay em right the first time and you can walk all over them. We'll put up with anything from a man who can "ram us like rhinos"

Anonymous said...

Logan, the wings are supposed to be 10 cents, dumbass. We've got a $40 budget to stick!!!!!!! hahahaha