Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Stand up and be Heard - LG

In light of the protests in recent days supporting the massive influx of illegal immigrants into this country.  I say 'I hope the path of your march leads straight back home!'  Its time I start taking a stand.  Its time for people like myself to proclaim that we desire the punishment and deportation of illegals and enforced punishment for those who assist, encourage, and aid an illegal immigrant to maintain residence in the United States.  Sorry Chris if you didnt want politicized issues popping up on the blog, but I've had enough.  And nobody call me racist over this.  I'm against illegal immigration, not against allowing people to gain lawful entry into our country.  I've met and come to know Mexican nationals who gained lawful entry to our country and have nothing but respect for them.  Below is a letter I wrote to John Cornyn.  Some of it is incomplete and will be worked out later.  Please, my fellow Americans,  Stand up for what you believe, the future is ours, wake up and take it! 
Senator Cornyn,
Thank you for voting against the bill that came out of the Senate Subcommittee.  The bill that made it out of the subcommittee is a slap in the face to every voting American and to any family who ever made it to the fertile soil of the United States legally, as my family did through Ellis Island and many hispanics have done before.  The subcommittee has taken all the teeth out of the House bill under pressure from marching illegal immigrants and the Mexican government, not to mention the big businesses.  I am disgusted that our legislature shows no backbone for their biggest constituents, the American PEOPLE!  Not Mexicans, not OTMs, not Vicente Fox, not big business!  As a republican and conservative, I am disgusted with the actions of the president regarding immigration reform and beg of you and the other Senators to break away from Bush on this Issue and hand down a bill with some teeth.  We need to do what we can to discourage the illegal entry to our country.  We need to discourage the assistance of illegals remaining in the country.  And we need to not make the same mistake made in 1986 with Reagan's Amnesty.  Give me back the criminal offenses.  Illegal Immigrants already showed a disdain for our laws by circumventing our processes; they should be held accountable.  Give me back the penalties to business and enforce these penalties.  Include the House portion where employers must electronically verify an applicants status.  Enforce! Enforce! Enforce!  Put pressure on the executive branch to enforce the laws that our legislature passes!  Please Senator Cornyn, so many Americans are losing hope in our government, believing that outside sources play a bigger role in our policy making than our own citizens.  This issue needs to be driven home from capital hill.  Our democracy is by majority rule, and the majority of this great nation demands that the holes be plugged along the border.  The majority of this great nation demands that those who circumvent our laws be punished.  The definition of a criminal, sir, is a man or woman who breaks the law and that is what we have.  Amnesty can not be a plausible solution and is unacceptable to the majority of the legal, voting public.  They call us racist for wanting reform.  I am by no means racist.  I am an American who is asking for everyone to be accountable to our laws.  There should be no special treatment for those who disrespect our country.  For my friends who have made the journey legally, the Senate owes us.  For my family who went through the process on Ellis Island, the Senate owes us.  For those who lived the life found in The Grapes of Wrath, the Senate owes us.  Criminalize, deport, and discourage the rampant abuse of our immigration laws. 
A concerned citizen,
Logan H Gearheart
...so i start a revolution from my bed


Anonymous said...

There are no words to describe that post logan, but I'm going to try anyway. First of all, HOW DARE YOU USE JOHN STEINBECK TO SUPPORT THIS SADISTIC THEORY. Simply sending these people back to their own country is punishment enough. These people come over here as your family did, seeking the American dream. They come from poverty and live here in poverty as well, but not squalor. Most come over here and do the jobs that YOU sure as hell aren't signing up to do, and in the process usually send money back to their families to allow the survival of the ones they love. I do agree that big business shouldn't have the right to exploit their despiration by paying them less than what legal citizens earn, but I don't think making immigration a criminal offense is the way to go about solving the problem. You forget that no one that was already in this country wanted your family here either, but aren't you glad that the government stood up for them? For that matter, no one wanted my family here either. The Irish influx during the potato famine was considered a scorge, and when my family immigrated Ireland was economically worse off than Mexico is right now. Also, you seem to forget your history here. Ellis Island was a station set up to make it much easier for immigrants to come into this country and to gain citizenship. No such luxury exists today, and therefore it is almost impossible. I don't know if you remember my friend Ana Maria from Columbia, but she can't even gain citizenship. The only way she is legally in this country is by asking for asylum, meaning that she can never go back home to Columbia and see her family or friends. So please don't tell me that you are heartless enough to treat a desperate lot as your own lot was once probably treated.

Anonymous said...

Wow! If you've got hate in your heart, by all means let it out... Indeed, Ellis Island was a clearinghouse for immigrants to enter the country, LEGALLY. Kind of like Matamoros, and Laredo, and Del Rio, etc...There are legal means and legal ways through legal channels to gain entry into this country, by all means those willing to do so are encouraged to.
I really don't see the debate here. Whether anyone likes it or not, one group is going to be adversely affected by the changing tides of illegal immigration. Where do you stand? With Americans in America or with Mexicans in Mexico? Try emigrating to any other nation on the face of the planet and see how it works. It ain't easy, and it ain't supposed to be.
Every American is entitled to certain unalienable rights guaranteed by the rule of law; those rights are reciprocal with the responsibilites of the citizen to the state. Register, Vote, Work, Pay Taxes, and by all means, get off the dole! Then, and only then, can one recieve those promises listed in the Bill of Rights. Any other means of acquiring the benefits of such a state is illegal and, frankly, immoral. If millions are suddenly so concerned with the logical, rational immigration policies our representatives are working hard to develop, then I encourage each and every one concerned to transfer their own rights to an illegal immigrant. Invite them into your home, provide shelter, education, health care, transportation, financial support, and don't forget to pay their taxes for them, out of your own pocket. Oh wait, you want the Government to do that instead...

Anonymous said...

I'm Irish and I'll tell you why I use John Steinbeck! Because I would wash the shitters if i needed to survive! I would pick the cotton if I needed to live! I would cook at any restaurant if I needed to eat! Not all are like me but there are plenty of Americans left with that survival instinct and plenty of them that are not as blessed as I have been. Regardless of all that, I ask them to come here legally. I ask them to respect our laws! Our families did so generations ago, why support others circumventing our laws now? Amnesty doesnt work, it just encouraged more to come over in droves! Deport them! What is the definition of Criminal? One who commits a crime. What is a crime? Breaking the law! What are illegal immigrants? CRIMINALS! I didn't ask what an immigrant was. I asked what is an ILLEGAL immigrant. A CRIMINAL!

Anonymous said...

vote for pedro!

Anonymous said...

word, lo lo. i'm sure you'd also be interested to know that marching protesters were holding up traffic walking on the feeder of 59 this afternoon. the police cars seemed present to protect the peop's marching - since they were freakin all over the sides of 59!

Anonymous said...

The point is that the illegal immigrants aren't hurting anyone. Laws are made to protect the public, but in this case, unless they are gang members, they are less of a problem than most of the American citizens. You smoke pot constantly, so therefore you are a criminal. He who is without sin cast the first stone. What do you really have against illegal immigrants Logan? And the point is not that you wouldn't do it if absolutely neccisary. I'm sure anyone would if they had to to survive (which is why the Mexican's do it) but even if the illegls weren't here to do these jobs, would you give up your accounting job to do them? They would still have to be done.... I just don't see the problem here. These people, while they did break the law, are doing no more damage to our country than they would if they were here legally. Think about it. I'm sure they wouldn't break the law if they didn't have to, but the thing is that the only ones who can get here legally are the ones who have money, and their sure as hell not going to the trouble of becoming legal so they can get paid less than minimum wage to be janitors and ranch hands. We need these people to support our country. They provide us with slave labor basically, and as a fiscal conservative you should appreciate the value of that. Stop letting Lou Dobbs brain wash you.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Lou Dobbs! I'm brainwashed by my own beliefs. Liberals are so confusing! We dont like big business but we want to help them w/ illegal immigrants? Whats the deal here? Look, dont start pointing fingers at anybody about anything. This is a discussion about illegal immigration. I dont care how hard they work; I dont care how many problems they have in their own country, whos flag they still wave; I dont care if they're trouble makers or not, and I really dont care for sympathizers that believe our borders and public systems should be available to any breathing body that wants a better life. Poeple are born all over the world in places with problems. The United States can not be a place where everyone can go to escape their problems. Why is it so hard for a lib to say 'yes the people entering this country should follow the precedures we have set forth or be held accountable for their blatant disrespect of our laws'? Whats next? You invite anarchy! Now the marchers are claiming that today they march and tomorrow they vote.....hell no! Our elections are for the American citizens, not including every person that figures out a way through Arizona. Where will you stand up for your country? Or should we give our border, language and culture to the rest of the world and lose ourselves?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am in a conspiracy against america. I'm anti-american and wish that we would all start speaking spanish and living like the mexicans. You've got me pegged. All I was asking is for a real reason that illegal immigration bothers you. I wasn't trying to be mean or nasty and I'm sorry if I came off that way. I sometimes get too passionate and come off as offensive, and for this I humbly apologize. My problem with the basic tennets of your arguments is that none of them seem logical. You haven't given reasons why you think that the Mexicans are ruining are country (since you and Phil both incinuated that I was unpatriotic b/c i don't have a problem with them). Just explain why it is they bother you. That's all I was asking. I'm really curious. So far all you've given me is rhetoric about how they are breaking the law. I just have a hard time believing that you or I value the law enough to insist that it be upheld even if it is wrong. I certainly consumed alcohol under the legal age limit and driven over the legal speed limit. I just want to hear some arguments for the benefit of deporting millions of people.

Anonymous said...

A reply is forthcoming