Friday, May 19, 2006

Hot Route

First, since I haven't posted in a while, I wanted everyone to know that I've decided to head back to Austin to start my graduate work in the fall. It's a two year program that will be very exciting and challenging. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

In other news, a few friends and I have decided to visit as many new bars in Houston over the course of the summer as possible. The first leg, cleverly labeled "10 bars in 10 days" will commence June 1st. As its name implies, this journey will take us to completely new establishments in different parts of the city. I can't wait.

I wish I had more shit to write, but there's just not that much stuff going on that I can talk about. Yea, I lead a boring life. Maybe I could explain how much I hate the Mavericks (except Avery Johnson), or how I am getting back into shape and some girl told me I was hot the other day and I actually believed her, or how much I like the pick-up line "I like the Sprite in you" (circa 1992, Run DMC), or how I intend to slip myself a roofie in the comfort of my own apartment just to see what all the fuss is about. But maybe it might go horribly wrong and I'll say "can i puke, huh, can i puke?" That was for you, Linds :) Peace.

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