Spring 2007
So the new semester is upon us. With it brings the usual mad scramble to buy textbooks (or, in my case, to not buy them until I absolutely need to), plan workouts in the gym, check out all the new chicks you're gonna hit on during the semester, and secretly mock the overzealous "gunners" in your classes. I have a developing theory that "gunning" is the manifestation of an intellectual insecurity probably caused by a lack of attention from mommy and daddy and perpetuated by some bitch elementary school teacher. Or at least this is how I justify my relative lack of over-participation in classroom activities.
Fortunately, or so I thought, I've got a class thats 50% undergraduates. Check that, I've got two. I'm taking this weightlifting class that's got a couple girls. Except only one chick is hot. What's wrong with this place? I want classes with 18 year olf freshmen, or at least 21 year old senior social work majors.
Not much new on the social front. In an awkward move, I've decided I'm gonna limit my Spill intake. As much as I like a little filth on my Friday and Saturday nights, I need a new scene. Yea, it's time for the 18+ scene :-) And I am also thinking about not drinking in the month of March. I did this last year during the month of April and I felt great...and my wallet stayed full.
The Super Bowl is this weekend. Go Bears. I can't believe I am cheering for Rex Grossman. What's wrong with me?
I cannot wait for Think 'n Drink this week. Everyone come out.
Finally, I get to see my good friend Lien tomorrow. We were very good friends in undergrad but I haven't seen her since I finished UT in 2003, so almost 4 years. Very excited.