Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Haterade, part Deux

This may end up being a fairly long post, so get a glass of water and dig in.

On a bright, sunny, warm-weathered day here in Houston, Texas, I woke up from a decent sleep, although I was sweating a bit. With an unusual burst of morning energy, I hopped out of my bed, performed the normal morning tasks (teeth, hair, etc) and turned on my computer. Now, I normally go to three websites to start the day. I check e-mail then go to, in this order, cnn.com, abcnews.com, espn.com, and thefacebook.com. All was right in the world (no terrorist bombings, avalanches, murders, etc.) until I went to the facebook. I had a little message on the facebook this morning informing me that I, Chris, am an asshole. (For some reason, I am excited when I have mail on the facebook. I don't know why, I just do.)

I don't take that as a compliment. In fact I really, really do not like that someone thinks I am an asshole.

This post, faithful readers, is geared toward establishing myself as a non-jerk.

Ok, some of you may say there are varying degrees of asshole-ness. I disagree; either you are or you aren't. No one has ever said, "oh, he's ok, he's just a small asshole." Doesn't happen. So by showing some of the all time worst assholes, I hope to position myself as a non-asshole. So here goes:

Asshole #1: Andrea Yates - this crazy bitch killed her five children during the summer of 2001. Maybe we should call her a murderer. That would be more appropriate.

Asshole #2: Tom Leykis - I have never in my life heard someone so staunchly advocate taking advantage of women. This guy hates women, makes fun of them in every way possible, and has made it his life's mission to tell guys how to, as he says, "pump 'em and dump'em." Fuck that guy.

Asshole #3: The racist cop from the movie "Crash" - that guy was a total dick and made you want to break his jaw and rip his teeth out with pliers.

Asshole #4: Tom DeLay, former House Majority Leader - 'nuff said.

Asshole #5: Sean Taylor, safety, Washington Redskins - in his second incident, this guy spit in the face of an opponent in a game over the weekend. Stuff like that could spread disease. The asshole cap fits.

If any of you loyal readers feel I approach this type of behavior, the fine, call me an asshole. I seriously doubt any of you would come to that conclusion.

But hey, at least I've got 20,000 more airline miles am now OnePass Silver Elite for that trip to Madrid that I am never taking. I think I'll go to Barcelona instead and visit my A&M friend Petra, who is studying abroad.

In other news, Eric had his first experience in First Class on our Rose Bowl trip. I should have asked the stewardess to give him a pair of wings.

I am going to find a simple html-based survey I can put on this website. I'd like to get people's responses to various topics. Check back often for this.

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