Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Trimming the Fat

Every so often I will go through my cell phone and delete people that I haven't spoken to in a long time, or who I can't remember, or who I never wish to speak to again, or some combination thereof. If I ever needed to speak to them again, I couldn't do it because I probably didn't memorize their number. Last night I deleted like 15 names, then realized I probably wanted to keep one but didn't know the number. Does anyone else do this?

Does anyone agree with levying a larger tax on fast food (a.k.a. the Fat Tax) to discourage its consumption?

I want people to stay on this site longer. Yes, I track visit lengths. I know people check daily for key words, implicit insults, etc, but stay a while, read, vote in my poll (bottom of the page), and leave some remarks. Below is a sample of nerdy shit I like to look at (January 17th only).

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