Saturday, August 27, 2005

Speachless - LG

VEGASSS! vegas, vegas vegas, vegas veegas! I love vegas. Its taken
me a few days to write something down because...I just DO NOT know what
to say. ... ... How about Sunday morning? The intelligent man I am, I
got 2 hours of sleep Saturday night! I had never been so tired when I
woke up, drove to the airport, stepped on the plane. Luckily i
received another 1.5 hrs of shut eye. So vegas. I'm there five
minutes and I see ... (just cant write it, i tried). We show up to
Ceasars. Come on its Rome, the architecture of the buildings, the
statues, replicas of works by michealangelo and others i dont remember.
A tribute to the gods! Since our rooms wouldnt be ready at 9 in the
------ morning, we had to check our bags and make ourselves at home.
After a quick walk into the Forum shops (Pete Rose frequents the sports
shop there), we sat down and placed our first bets just before I heard
the first call 'Cocktails'.

"Soon we would both be completely twisted. But there was no going back
- We would have to ride it out." Hunter S Thompson R.I.P.

A quick run down of 'gotta check this out': check out the club 'Pure'
and for food 'Mesa' at Ceasars, go to the Wynn (just do it), if you
like exotic cars, go to the Forum shops, ride the roller coaster at new
york, new york, DO NOT eat in the restaurant of Barbary's, and a
personal favorite, do place your camera safely in the protective cover
BEFORE arriving into your room back home.

AJ! (Chris do the honors!)

So, all in all, the trip did what it was suppose to do. Despite a
received message from ... i had reached a clearing, three days without
all the BS. Sunny days ahead, for sure. However, upon reaching home,
she was still here. she's there when i go to sleep at night. she's
there when i wake up in the morning. But have no pity! Vegas
convinced me of my situation. You see things so clearly on the third
day of a binge. This kid is going places. This guy is on the runway
for life and taking off.

Chris, i owe you one. I did NOT want to dance with the grenade. I
finally sprout a pair and I dance with the grenade. BAD! BAD, wingman!

'come in here big boy, have a cigar. you're gonna go far'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish i was 21...