Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Lessons in Life - LG

I'm a dreamer. I like dreaming. Love dreaming.  But sometimes they can really screw with your head.  I feel for anyone who constantly has nightmares.  That would be absolutly awful.  Most of time mine are great.  Sometimes I've had dreams that foreshadowed different events.  The way something happened was not the same but the end result was exact.  So I'm wary of dreams I have sometimes.  Obviously during these times my dreams are going to hit different nerves and last night hit a new one. 
Last night I was faced with how I would react when coming face to face with the scum.  The piece of trash that two-faced his 'friends' and did it so dispicable that many, many people think and know that he deserves an ass kickin.  He needs his ass beaten!  But we don't do that.  We are above men of his kind, if we can call him a man at all.  So, what do I do?  And that is what I thought about as I got ready for work and up to the minute I turned on my computer. 
I learned from my father in recent weeks, something he learned at church.  Mom has usually been the one to do the preaching (love em both), so this caught me a little of gaurd.  He said "You can't have reconciliation without forgiveness, but you can have forgiveness without reconciliation."  This answers my question.  I do no harm.  Although the desire would be strong when that day comes that we meet again, I would do no harm.  To forgive I would have to let my anger subside and I'm not ready to do that.  It's not going to happen in the near future.  The same can be said for my ex-fiance.  I mean her no harm.  She's done enough to herself, and if history repeats itself (which it does) she'll do it again...to someone else.  Kuddos to who ever knows the lyrics, let me know if you know the song.
"i'd rather be...i'd rather be with an animal"


Anonymous said...

If I am not mistaken those lyrics come from a Pearl Jam song...I think it's called "Animal."

Anonymous said...

How did I know Justina would know that? This is not, I assume, that other song that references animals in a more crude way during the chorus?

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I'm glad someone knows this stuff. The part of the song that really sticks to me is actually the next line...'why would you wanna hurt me?' And the reason I'll be doing lines from songs is that sometimes my feelings are expressed very well in a song somewhere. So, if you know the song, you might get a better feel for my emotions on those days.

Anonymous said...

Hey Angela, I think that the other song that references animals in a much more crude way is "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails. ;-)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah Justina, that WOULD be the one I would think of...oops