Stand up and be Heard - LG
Logan H Gearheart
twentysomethings growing in a strange world
Posted by
The Chase
10:48 AM
This is gonna be short. I have not written much on this site in a long while, so it's high time I do so. Anyway, I haven't done a ton of stuff over the past few weeks. I took a trip to NYC two weeks ago. It was cold as hell outside, but I had a good time.
On the academic front, I found out I got into Washington University (St. Louis) and UCLA (Los Angeles) business schools. Oh yea, I got full tuition scholarships to each. Pretty sweet, huh?
I am still holding out for Stanford and UT. Hopefully, their acceptances will come soon.
By the way, if I get into Stanford, I'm throwing a big ass party, one that will rival Tyrone Biggums $450,000 crack party, except without the crack. But first things first, I need to get in.
In other news, I've been to the lovely La Strada for two of the past three weekends. I actually met a really great girl there this past weekend. Her name's Lindsay and she's in med school. Updates if relevant/appropriate.
My NCAA tournament bracket is complete. The excitement starts in 8 hours.
Posted by
The Chase
2:55 AM
Thanks to my boy Harsha for more Chuck Norris amazement...
Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills people.
Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with more than 20,000 women in his lifetime. Chuck Norris calls this "a slow Tuesday."
For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Chuck Norris, each testicle is larger than the other one.
Nobody does it like Sara Lee. Except Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.
Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
Chuck Norris was what Willis was talkin' about.
Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.
Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi.
Posted by
The Chase
12:57 PM